i know that the first year or so that i spent fly fishing was as frustrating, (challenging???), as it was fun but don't let that discourage you in the least. I typically fish a couple times a week so if you are thinking about going out and want some company let me know.
On Saturday, August 18, 2012 10:26:32 AM UTC-4, Evan Owen wrote:
I have been hitting Lake Cook in Alexandria (behind Great Waves at Cameron Run Regional Park) With some regularity. I don't have much trouble catching bluegill and sunfish particularly on very small nymphs and once by accident I caught a six inch juvenile large mouth bass on a small muddlers minnow.
On several occasions I've been there and the bass are tearing up the surface I even saw what I estimate to be a five pounder get completely airborne.
This is what's tearing it for me: Thursday evening between 7PM and 815PM and this Saturday morning between 715 and 9AM I was casting and I could see the bass. I could see the bass looking at my small popper or wooly bugger. They would shadow it but they wouldn't bite. It it the retrieve? Am I going too slow? I notice the blueglil under the handicap access pier go nuts if I drag the little nymph fast. Is it the pattern? The only one that has landed a bass in about 8 trips is the MM. Is it the color? I'm using a neon yellow little popper with rubber legs (the panfish hit that a lot but most are too small to take the hook) and a rusty brown WB.
Today the bass were breaking the surface less than 10 feet from where I was fishing on the dam. Some I could have poked with my rod tip. Even a big pair of carp cruised by.
Somebody put me out of my misery and tell me what I'm doing wrong!
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