Wednesday, 29 August 2012

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: New Mexico Fly Fishing

If its a Sunday morning DIY, I would suggest parking at the Texas Hole lot and heading towards the damn.  I had some success at the Kiddie Hole, but its combat fishing.  The closer you get to the dam, the less anglers you'll see.  Last year we stayed at Fisheads, across the street from Abe's.  All the folks at Fisheads know the river, the bugs, the spots, and will offer to help get you rigged up.  Pretty cool to catch 20inch fish on size 20 flies.

Good luck.

On Tuesday, August 28, 2012 1:08:21 AM UTC-4, Matthew Longley wrote:
Hi all, I'm new to the group, and back from a long fly fishing hiatus.  Dan suggested I give the group a shoutout to see if anyone had any experience fishing in New Mexico.

My buddy is getting married in Santa Fe this weekend, and I'm planning to get away for a few days to get some fishing in.  I spoke to a park service ranger, who recommended checking out either Cowles on the Pecos River (in Santa Fe National Forest) or Cow Creek.  Has anyone fished anywhere in this area?  Any recommendations about, well, anything?

If I manage to land a fish this trip, it will be my first on a fly in about a decade, so I'm quite excited.  Hopefully when I get back I'll get a chance to meet more of the group for some more local fishing.

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