Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Re: {Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Homemade Fly Tying Station

What you have made is very, very awesome. Needs stickers.=)

Some other tricks:
You can get magnetic strips and sheets at craft stores. They work
swimmingly as hook/fly holders.

A ruler of some sort and a hook/hackle gauge are good things to put on
the flat deck of the station.

You can get velcro tabs at craft and home supply stores. Then you can
velcro tools, bead boxes, etc to the station.

Add a "teacup hook" for making dubbing brushes and leaders.

On Wed, 2012-08-29 at 06:17 -0700, Todd Kuethe wrote:
> If you google around (image search, too). You can find all kinds of
> ideas for customizing and setting up your station. Fortunately, this
> is a sport where everyone likes to tinker on stuff, so there's a fair
> amount of information available.
> --
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