Wednesday, 22 August 2012

RE: {Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Time To Tie Up Some Crab Flies

Riding up and down the Potomac from the Bay up well past Leesylvania, you'll find long lines of crab pots everywhere.

This year, with the lower water and higher salinity levels there a lot of crabs visible.  There also have been some bull sharks caught in the river.

From: Rob Snowhite
Sent: 8/22/2012 8:39 PM
To: tidal potomac
Subject: {Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Time To Tie Up Some Crab Flies

I was sniffing around Four Mile Run tonight. Found a bunch of (dead) blue crabs. I saw one live one in  Gravelly last fall and one dead one. Today I found a bunch of BIG dead ones. One was half buried in the sediment-backed in. So I'm pretty sure they were not some discarded lunch.

Crab 2
Rob Snowhite

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