Wednesday, 2 May 2012

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Sinking Lines

I think I saw your question on our Facebook page, but didn't get around to answering it there. This is going to be a tricky situation for a casting remedy no matter how you put it. Ideally, you could move your kayak or wade where you could backcast. If this isn't possible, the two main solutions I would use are the switch cast (watch this - and pinpointing your back cast between trees if this is possible.

Keep your eyes open on the google group, and look for posts from John Bilotta regarding the excellent free clinics he puts on at Fletcher's some Saturdays and Sundays. Definitely come out to one of these with your gear, will be more informative than years of youtube clips.


On Tuesday, May 1, 2012 10:49:34 AM UTC-4, wrote:
Sorry, wrong link somehow, here it is:

but that first video is a good one too... ;-)


ps... don't see how to edit there a way?

On May 1, 10:47 am, ""
<> wrote:
> Lefty has a good video on sinking line casting at YouTube:
> He demonstrates the points I have seen in this discussion.
>'s what I will be facing on the New River soon:
> Fishing 10 wt full sinking line with big Muskie streamers including
> some Clouser/Kreh Half & Halfs and some other large and long
> streamers, on a 9/10 rod with flourocarbon or steel muskie tippet.
> Will be sitting in a kayak or wading.
> Will probably not have room to backcast most of the time....
> How would someone cast in the above situation with no backcast room
> without roll casting over and over spooking the fish?
> I've heard that I should stip in all the running line and then roll
> casting to get the line on the surface before executing the cast you
> all have been discussing here.....but what if there is no room to back
> cast??
> ;-)  Mike

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