Monday, 21 May 2012

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Little Hunting Creek

what do you think of your Native Ultimate? I'm looking for something portable and can stand up in. 

On Friday, May 18, 2012 6:44:27 PM UTC-4, Stephen C wrote:
I fished Little Hunting Creek last weekend, on the incoming tide - bad
time, and with a stiff NW breeze.  Ok...I want a house there, or at
least a friend who has shore access...cause launching a kayak from
anywhere near there really is a pain.  Got skunked.  Beautiful day with
my sons though.  Oh yeah, we rescued a duckling which would have been
easy prey for the zombie snakeheads.  There were a few other dead
ducklings around him and no adults.  So, my son jumped him, dumping his
kayak, but saved him nonetheless.  So, now I have a duckling running
around the house leaving crap everywhere it goes.  Cute as hell though.

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