On Thursday, May 17, 2012 1:25:40 PM UTC-4, Danny wrote:
--The jackson just has a lot of land owner issues. If anyone understands these please elaborate. I have had trouble down there when floating the river.
Danny Barrett
(540) 222-8064On May 17, 2012 1:03 PM, "Eric Y." <theericyoung@gmail.com> wrote:I've found mossy very technical and frustrating (lose lots of flies in the vegetation) and almost all I fish is extremely heavy cover on tight streams. I would check out the Jackson just one county over in Alleghany and Bath counties. It is much less technical and much easier to get a good bite... not to mention very wadeable with plenty of room for a back cast.
On Thursday, May 17, 2012 11:22:10 AM UTC-4, Gaucho Fly wrote:Planning on heading to Mossy this Saturday, along with a friend that has never fly fished before in his life. Worried that I may be having him jump off the deep end starting his FF career at Mossy, and looking for some good alternatives nearby, in case we need a plan B. Anybody have any recommendations other than Beaver Creek (which I am guessing will be all booked before I get there)?--
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