Orvis still makes and sells this line and it is my prefered system on the Tidal Potomac for the reasons you describe. Many other companies make an identical system as well. I know for a fact that RIO does, and Richie can chime in on the other makes too. Regardless of brand, line "systems" like these will set an angler back around $120-$150, but the value is significant since you do not need extra spools and many full lines. Other than when I'm fishing full sink lines in deeper water or floating lines for summertime Bass, etc., I am fishing a multi-tip line system in one form or another. Very, very versatile!
Dan Davala
On Tuesday, May 1, 2012 11:00:07 AM UTC-4, HeaveToo wrote:
A few years ago Orvis use to put out a line that was called multi-tip line. It came with a floating, intermediate sinking, and fast sinking tips. The line had a loop on the end and you would simply change the tipets and it was easy to do. I haven't seen any other company with a line like this and I haven't been able to find this line.--
I wonder why this system has disappeared. It was easier than carrying different spools and changing line. It is much easier to switch these tips if you are casting from a kayak. I have switched reels before while in the kayak and it was a pain to re-string the line.
Has anyone else seen a system like this?
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