Friday, 21 September 2012

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Classic Books

This isn't about fly fishing, but The Scavenger's Guide to Haute Cuisine by Steve Rinella is a very, very fun read.  I couldn't put it down.  It's great for all sorts of fishermen, hunters, and foodies.

On Friday, September 21, 2012 9:34:07 AM UTC-4, paul spica wrote:
One book that really got me hooked was "My Life was This Big" by Lefty Kreh. Its definitely about fishing but not as much in the instruction as the growth of the fly fishing industry and the spread of the sport.  It also details Lefty's life as well, very good read.  

On Wednesday, September 19, 2012 11:15:51 AM UTC-4, Mike D. wrote:
In my opinion, the best part of this group is the access to instant feedback.  If someone's heading to a new area or trying for a new species on the fly, everyone does a fantastic job of chiming in and offering advice.  Before message boards were the wealth of information that they are today, we chatted it up at the local fly shop, or we read magazines and books to acquire essential information.  When I first started fly-fishing when I was a kid, I read books because they kept me connected to the water when I wasn't standing in it with a fly rod in my hand.  "Matching the Hatch" by Ernie Schwiebert, "Trout Tactics" by Joe Humphreys, and "A Modern Dry-Fly Code" by Vince Marinaro were just a few of the books that taught me almost everything I needed to know about fishing for trout in central PA.  Fast forward a few years, and my job has landed me in DC - only a few hours from the Atlantic surf.  After fishing for trout all my life, saltwater was totally foreign to me.  Since I felt like a beginner again, I picked up a few books to help me figure out what to do while standing knee-deep in the brine.  "The Fisherman's Ocean" by David Ross has given me a solid scientific understanding of the ocean and its fish while "Inshore Fly Fishing" by Lou Tabory has filled in some gaps regarding technique.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that picks up a book when I venture into a new area of fly fishing.  So I wanted to ask the group for feedback regarding their favorite books.  Fly-tying, casting, fishing, destinations, etc.  I'm curious which books have left a mark on all you TPFR'ers.

 - Mike

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