Thursday, 27 September 2012

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Accotink & Holmes run trout

The TU Northern VA Chapter might post a call out for volunteers to help stock Accotink and Holmes, late October usually.  I was itching to trout fish all Summer and finally drove up to Hagerstown MD to try Beaver Creek. From Alexandria, it's 80 miles.  It's a limestone spring-fed creek.  Not as good as Mossy Creek, but I enjoy it.  Beaver Creek Fly Shop can help you out with cressbug and scud nymph patterns and point you to the hot spots.  The northern stretch of what they call the "lower section" fished well, but extremely difficult to access with bushwacking required.  The southern stretch of the "lower section" is much, much easier to access from the parking lot at Beaver Creek Road.  I ran into the DNR biologist for the stream and that's where he fishes.  All native browns I think, and a bit challenging.  Fish are mostly in the 8-15 inch range.  I'm still getting to know the stream, but I would recommend it.  James Harris and his dad at the fly shop where generous with advice - nice shop too. 

I haven't fished Holmes Run since the county paved the trails.  Anyone know if is it still any good?  It seemed to have changed the creek bed terrain significantly. 

On Friday, September 21, 2012 1:03:05 PM UTC-4, Eric Kruel wrote:
I am pretty excited about trout fishing this year, since it will be my first attempt for trout on the fly.  I understand that both Accotink creek (Wakefield park) and Holmes run will both be stocked with trout on Oct. 1st.  I have fished Accotink creek below lake Accotink in the past with a spinning outfit, but I believe they quit stocking that portion a few years ago.  It was pretty much elbow to elbow fishing with the person next to you, not really my favorite type of fishing.  Should I expect the same sort of thing in the Wakefield park section & Holmes run?  Also any advise on patterns would be great.  I plan on heading out to some streams in the Shenandoah region, any suggestions on some I might want to try that aren't more than 1-1/2 - 2 hours from the beltway?

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