Monday, 24 September 2012

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Any Day Now.....

I am still wondering why there isn't any outflow from the dam at the Occoquan.  I am worried that the lack of flow may mess up the fishing.

On Friday, September 14, 2012 9:55:59 AM UTC-4, HeaveToo wrote:
I fished the Occoquan two days ago.  I didn't have a single striper bite.  I am thinking that, by the way the river fished last year, that they should be in here soon.  The biggest issue is that the river isn't flowing like it did last year.  It is like there isn't any water flowing form the dam.  I am hoping that it starts flowing soon because that seems to be a big part of the stripers coming up the river.

Has anyone seen any stripers at Gravelly point yet on the falling tide?

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