Wednesday, 13 July 2016

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: July 12 Smallmouth on the Potomac

Good report - almost went up there Sunday afternoon, but decided to do my annual "fish Rock Creek and hope to not get Diseases" run. 

Rock Creek was good, not great. all small fish, but diversity - couple little smallmouth, one largemouth, and in a new one for me, a couple smallish schoolie stripers. Saw the usual bigger catfish and carp around, no dice (no effort though) on those. Also damn near stepped on a smallmouth that might have gone 4-5 lbs. Fun enough for a 1-time visit, but having hit my usual spots and not gotten sick, not likely to push my luck again.  The bass were all caught on silver kreelex; caught several bluegill on blue poppers, but no bass. 

Also stopped at the tidal basin for an hour or so before dusk - nothing doing there. 

Haven't been to Riverbend in a few years - how far upstream do you need to walk for wade fishing to be a sane decision? I remember fishing a couple deep spots there, but was not thrilled about the idea of getting in...

On Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at 9:28:20 AM UTC-4, Lane Thurgood wrote:
In the spirit of putting up a good old-fashioned fishing report, here goes.

I hit the Potomac from 5-6:30 last night near Riverbend.  Found the levels pretty much perfect and the water only slightly tinged--good visibility but certainly not trout-stream clear.

I threw a 7-weight with floating line.

Started in a waist-high run and decided to start with topwater.  Figured with the depth of the run and slight tinge of the water, I may need to get a little attention, so I started with a size 2 cup-faced yellow popper.  Picked up a decent smallmouth on my second cast and had an even nicer one on within another 10 casts, but lost it. 

Shortly thereafter, I switched to pocket water.  Couldn't get a sniff on the popper, but the water looked too good.  Switched to a size 2 brown klawdad and brought another smallie to hand with another few taking swipes and misses. 

I still thought the action should be better.  Went to a size 2 rabbit strip fly.  White magnum strip with a few strands of red flash and a chartreuse crosscut palmered up the shank.  That was my best.  Picked up my two nicest thick, deep bass of the night with a couple of small to medium smallies, to boot.  On one retrieve, I saw 3 smallies trying to chase it down and hammer it.  Not a one of them succeeded.

In 90 minutes, six smallmouth to hand. 

Damselflies everywhere!  I think the most I've ever seen.  Only saw small bass leaping for them, though.

Would have loved to be there right at dusk.  Next time.

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