There are also some tick-borne illnesses closely related but not identical to Lyme that are carried by deer ticks. Fortunately, they are all treated the same way (with a course of doxycycline) but these slightly different strains will never give you a positive test result. I contracted one such strain a few years ago. Never had a bull's-eye rash or any positive test result, but had all the symptoms of Lyme.
Fortunately I caught it early and it responded to the antibiotics. If caught early, 3 weeks on the antibiotic will wipe it out for good. If you have been bitten by a deer tick you can also request a one-day course of doxycycline within 72 hours of the bite, and this has been proven to prevent Lyme from developing later on. I wish I had known that beforehand, as the relatively mild case I experienced was still no fun at all.
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