Sunday, 24 May 2020

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Tying Tuesdays

Hey everyone,

TPFR Treasurer and resident trout nut ,Misha Gill , will be presenting the Sexy Hares Ear Nymph on Tuesday June 2nd at 7 pm via Google Meets.

Use the following link to join:

Below is Misha's write up on the pattern:

"You've heard of attractor patterns, and maybe even the sexy hare's ear, but this pattern walks the street and goes the extra mile. She's got gold hoop earrings, pink lipstick, black lingerie, and some tasty transparency. This fly attracts like no other, goes down fast, and rides perfectly. Fish find her irresistible. Let me hasten to add, #Ibelievewomen and #sorryfortheextendedanalogy. Join Misha Gill for a tie-along and discussion of the "hare's ear platform.""


Hook: Orvis jig hook size in 10-16 (tying a 12)
Bead: gold slotted tungsten, 7/64" 2.8 mm or 1/8"
Body: Hare's ear Plus Dubbin Tan
Rib: gold Mylar tinsel
Collar: pink ice dub
Tail/legs: black Krystal Flash
Back: loon uv clear fly finish thin and/or flow


Art Noglak

On Saturday, May 9, 2020 at 11:48:35 PM UTC-4, arthur noglak wrote:
Hey everyone,

Ill be teaching Kelly Galloup's Double Gonga streamer on our instagram live  account @tidalpotomacflyrodders on Tuesday May 12 th at 7pm EST.

This is a great bug for bass and trout!

As you all know, Its important that we do our best to support our local business during these unprecedented times.

Our partners over at District Angling , Orvis ,and Mossy Creek help support our club, lets do our best to return the favor!

Materials needed:

Hooks: X2 Teimco 5263 size 2 or 4
Head : Craft fur or Polar Fibers
Wing: Same as head
Tail:    Strung Marabou 2 colors
Body: Ice Dub, Schlappen, And Guinea
Leggs: Barred ribber legs
Eyes:   Dumbell 7/32 or Medium
Rib: Ultra Wire Small
Articulation: backing ,trailer wire, or 20lb mono
Beads: 3X 3mm or 6mm glass or plastic

Thanks everyone,

Art Noglak


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