Saturday, 16 May 2020

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Tying Tuesdays

Although it is not absolutely necessary, I recommend having a good supply of Gillette Wilkinson Sword double edge razor blades when trimming most deer hair bugs. That model is preferred by tiers world wide , and Is so thin that you can easily bend it into a convex shape that is perfect for most flies. Its a single use per side type of product, so grab a bunch. They are very cheap. I got 100 recently for 10 bucks.

As it relates to the Bugger Bomb, it can be done with scissors, but the Razor is better. However the one pictured in the link above was done with scissors.

Also, for gluing eyes onto deer hair I prefer gel type glues. Standard head cements and super glues seems to seep into the hair and not collect on the surface. Zap Gel is very good and can be found at all our local fly shops. I just got a bottle from District Angling. There are other good products out there, but that seems to work best for me.


Art Noglak

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