Wednesday, 3 April 2013

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Best Starter Rod Combos


You will definitely get some good advice here on this, but just wanted to put a plug in for my philosophy when asked this question.  I highly recommend checking out some of the fly fishing classified ad forums (washington fly fishing, spey pages, kienes) and getting a higher end rod used (orvis, winston, sage, scott, etc..)  While this will cost you a little more up front, you will be happier longer with it.  You will have to do your research to know what is good and what prices you should expect.  The added benefit is that if you end up not staying with the sport, you can easily resell the rod for pretty much what you paid for it.  It is really hard to sell off used starter rods.  As for reels, I wouldn't worry too much early on about a quality reel...unless you get into big fish, they are just glorified line holders!

Just another note, I am a huge advocate for supporting the local fly shops on all of your purchases...and believe me, if you get in this sport there will be many!  Just recommend for that first rod, going with something nicer, but used for the value/resell aspect.  


On Wednesday, April 3, 2013 5:47:17 PM UTC-4, Steve wrote:
Hello! New to the group here.I'm looking at getting into the sport this year but don't want to break the bank to do so, at least initially. Does anyone have recommendations on any of these combos or are there other options out there?  Is it worth spending more for a first rod or should I wait a year or so? These are all 9' 8wt 4pc.and range $125-$240.
Redington Pursuit
LLBean Streamlight
Orvis Streamline
Wildwater 7/8 Freshwater Starter
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

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