Tuesday, 30 April 2013

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Accotink Creek

Hey Todd - you aren't the guy my wife and I ran into out there this weekend are you?  We we talking to a dude near the "meadow" area who said something about catching browns -- he had a spinning rod and said he often fly fishes, but didn't have time to grab his stuff that day.   Acdtually, Beth did really well that day (and a lot of days lately...) but I was doing crappy most of the morning (missing the few hits I got) but I finally had some luck with a rubber legged woolly bugger.  Actually, I'm convinced that palmering saddle hackle on those suckers isn't worth the effort.  Even with wire ribbing (counter-wrapped, cis and trans-wrapped, wraps overlapping other wraps, etc.) I've had 3-4 get cut by fish right off the bat and start to look "yumpy". 

I like this guy's woolly bugger pattern - I tied a few and they worked like a charm out there:

If that's you, I must say that you have good photography skills.  If that's not you, I'd say you have "average" camera skills, because this distinction matters.  ;) 

Okay, hockey is on now.  My #2 television choice for anything other than River Monsters.  I'm unable to evaluate the credibility of anyone with a British accent -- sue me, I'm from Missouri.  


On Sunday, April 28, 2013 9:56:38 PM UTC-4, TAEHWAN KIM wrote:

The brown and bow are still in the creek and it's nice to fish.



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