Tuesday, 2 April 2013


Yeah,  I saw all the TPFR recommendations on a search and he seems like a nice guy up there.  

Crap, a preserve?  Really?  I seriously did not know that and will not hop out there in the future.  I swear I didn't see any signs or anything (yeah I know - "Seriously officer, I didn't know the speed limit went from 45 to 25 back there!").  I always make a point to be properly licensed, obey rules, don't litter, etc.  

I feel pretty dumb for not knowing that -- thanks for telling me.  I like knowing stuff like that.  I just told Beth and she said she saw a lot of cormorants in the trees too above the geese.  

I sure am glad I basically just admitted to dropping my pants on a wildlife preserve.  That's a good one for the journal.  Maybe I'll plan to drop my pants along the Salmon River next fall and again down in the Keys the following summer to complete the trifecta!  


On Tuesday, April 2, 2013 8:29:53 PM UTC-4, John wrote:
Have fun.  Tony gugino is a pal.


Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 2, 2013, at 8:22 PM, "R...@robsnowhite.com" <r...@robsnowhite.com> wrote:

Always here great things about Tony G. That island is a nature reserve so no gettin on it next time. 

Victor just caught a prob 10lb bass over be weekend at Burke. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 2, 2013, at 8:08 PM, TurbineBlade <doubl...@gmail.com> wrote:

That sounds like fun Rich -- the last time I fished Burke Lake was 3 years ago with spinning rods.  I got a huge bluegill on a heddon torpedo, but nothing else.  A TON of Canada Geese were breeding (spawning might be a better term) on that central island where I got out to take a whizz.  Funny!  Those things are fearless.  I remember pleading with one nesting pair to just let me do my thing and I promised not to steal their egg!  

Didn't see any muskie -- but I'd love to catch one some day.  Along with a dozen other species I haven't got yet.  

I did just rig up a trip for Beth's birthday next fall up on the Salmon River with Tony Gugino.  That should be interesting...several species up there I've never caught.  

Oh - and excellent beer tie!  Thanks to Dan for all of his work before and after in setting up these beer ties to run smoothly.  I recognize the hellacious amount of work this involves, and don't envy his schedule on these days!  


On Tuesday, April 2, 2013 8:37:31 AM UTC-4, Dan Davala - Founder/President wrote:
A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who made it out last night to celebrate with us at the TPFR 4-year anniversary/birthday party/BEER TIE.  We had a head count of 80+ in attendance, and we cleared a little over $700 for the club which will go a very long way.  Thank you to everyone who donated, participated in the raffle, bought hats or stickers, or raised a glass of Whiskey for the cause.  Thank you to Rob Snowhite for teaching some awesome Shad Flies at the beginner's table.  Thank you to Neale Walker for pouring the spirits, and thank you to Heidi Bensen from Number 1 Sons pickles for bringing some awesome samples to go with the whiskey, and for donating a healthy dose of pickles to the raffle.
If you participated in the Whiskey tasting, please take a moment to provide some feedback on this thread.  It was only the first of many, but since it was the first there were a few hitches we'll sort out by the next one for sure.  Also, feel free to suggest future whiskey offerings you'd like to see represented.
Thanks again to everyone for the incredible fourth year - here's to the fifth!
Dan Davala

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