Thursday, 28 June 2012

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Native Ultimate Angler vs Freedom Hawk Kayak

Not sure about the Freedom, but I have compared the Wilderness Commander 140 vs. the Ultimate 14 and I chose the Commander. The Commander tracked better, paddled faster, is more stable, and has the Captain's perch. I know the newer Ultimate has a Captain's perch also, but its just a pad on the back of a folding seat. The Ultimate obviously turns easier, but Commander turns just fine. I am a big dude and I can stand in the Commander so stability is there. Call Appomattox River Company and ask if you can demo them.
Good Luck,

On Wednesday, June 27, 2012 3:02:49 PM UTC-4, Paul Brooks wrote:
I was wondering if anyone has paddled both models or had experience with these brands.  I'm try to make a decision on which way to go.  Any input would be appreciated.  I plan to the locally for a year then on the salt water ponds around Cape Cod after.

Thanks Paul

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