Monday, 25 June 2012

Re: {Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Ferrule Help


The little plastic/rubber piece is not structural, but you want to
replace it to keep water from getting into the rod, especially if it is
the butt section.
If they have a hard time at Orvis fixing it, I would use RTV caulk. It
is flexible, handles temperature variations and stays soft.

As for storing rods, I like the rod carrying case that has a reel
pouch. If you reel the hook into the tip top, you can take the rod
apart, fold it up and put it into the case. They you can take it out
and put it together quickly.

Always case your rod. Otherwise they will break. the tip will get
caught or slammed in the trunk or someone will put something heavy on
top of it.


On 06/25/2012 04:43 PM, nicholas mendis wrote:
> Hello All,
> When the fishing is good I tend to go to my spinning gear, since I am
> very new to fly fishing. I decided to leave the spinning stuff at home
> and make the next month or two strictly flyfishing. Lats week I
> had fished Holmes Run in the morning and left my rod together in my
> car so that I would not have to put it together when I hit a stream at
> lunch. Later that day, when trying to separate the sections - one did
> not want to come apart, I thought that maybe the heat from being in
> the car caused it to get stuck. I took the rod home cooled it off in
> the house and then when it came apart the rubber part of the Ferrule
> broke off. (excuse the terminology mistake if it is incorrect).
> My questions are:
> 1. Is this something that is going to be an issue with the rod's
> performance?
> 2. How do I go about fixing it?
> 3. How do you guys store rods in between uses - do you always take
> them apart.
> I have a clearwater II 4 wt., which to me was a big purchase since I
> am not as avid a fly fisherman as I am spin. I would like to keep it
> in as best condition as possible, but I do keep rods in my car since
> all my fishing is done before work or at lunch.
> Thanks for your help!
> --
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