Monday, 27 July 2020

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Potomac reports?

Camped at the Harper's Ferry adventure park this weekend and put some time in fishing while others in our group were tubing/ziplining/sleeping. Had several bites, but didn't catch anything. Probably because the fish were too small for what I was using. The variety and number of terrestrials I observed was astonishing compared with what I normally see closer to DC. If nothing else, it was fun using a bunch of larger patterns I wouldn't bother with closer to home.

Someone above questioned their own intelligence for camping in July. To any who would ponder it, I recommend getting a portable air conditioner (USB vaporator). Our nights were lovely. Nothing beats falling asleep with real running water in the background. Pure magic.


On Saturday, July 4, 2020 at 9:33:34 PM UTC-4, Bill Wittig wrote:
Anyone fishing the Potomac this weekend? Taking my girls out on canoe out of Fletcher's tomorrow and wondering what to expect. Unfortunately, haven't gotten much fishing in lately.

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