Thursday, 18 July 2019

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Don’t ‘High Line’ Georgetown’s C&O Canal

The irony of the class warfare on a flyfishing page was not lost on me.  I do think that it is extremely funny that the old fuddy duddies are against fixing the eyesore of the canal,  but on thier website are fighting to remove the billsboard from the capital power plant along 295....cause one less verizon billboard would make a 6 lane highway in SE so much prettier.  

I promise that everyone of the 100 men on this committee own more Orvis shirts than everyone on this page combined,  but not a single flyrod. 

On Sunday, June 30, 2019 at 11:22:26 AM UTC-4, namfos wrote: 

Congress needs to appropriate the funds and NPS really should do something about the remainder of the canal, esp. Fletchers, FIRST. Just my opinion.


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