Friday, 12 July 2019

Re: {Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Snakeheads may be wreaking ecological harm, after all

I'm just grateful that we don't have Nile Monitors, Burmese Pythons, and Armored Catfish.

Thanks for the enlightening and reasonable thread, gentleman!

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On Jul 11, 2019, at 2:59 PM, N Elgas <> wrote:

I tend to biasedly side with VA on much of this stuff as i  think that MD tends to be slower to lessen restrictions and quicker to waive the panic flag.  For better or worse.  I also think Odenkirk puts in the time and research before commenting on findings.  If i recall correctly MD went nuclear on Snakehaeads in 2010,  and even though VA soon followed suit, Virginia was much quicker to make changes based on the data to lift the kill order and has seemed to be much more open with the possiblity that we might have lucked out,  and we better learn to live with them anyway.  I read much of what was available from the SH Symposium last year and one thing we don't have is a lack of data and research.  Letting their quotes get published with so many what ifs just seems slightly irresponsible given the media response that has followed these fish.  

On Thursday, July 11, 2019 at 9:05:07 AM UTC-4, Jamie Carracher wrote:

Some disagreement about the impact of snakeheads between experts from MD and VA. 

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