Saturday, 2 February 2019

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} February Beer Tie


The February beer tie will be held February 11th. Happy hour and set up starts at 6pm with the tying class starting at 7pm. 
This month we will warm up with the simple killer bug and then the RS2. One of my favorite patterns and an all time simple tie. I prefer to float this fly just above the film on 5x behind an Ausable Wulff. We will be tying on small hooks with 8/0 thread which hasn't been done at Beer Tie for a long time. I will have thread in Rite Bobbins for those that need extra tension on thin line. We will work on tying in split tails and dubbing. I have procured a white tablecloth to help us see. 

Special Guest: Chris Wood, President of Trout Unlimited. Chris will join us to discuss updates to the Pebble Mine. 

Bring your vise and tools and a table lamp if you have one. I will have tools and materials if you don't have or don't want to bring yours. 

I will continue to collect flies for The Mayfly Project through spring. 

Burgers are half price all day and happy hour goes to 7 with a chosen beer special of $4 all night. 

Reminder: street parking is no longer free in Arlington after 6pm. 
Rob Snowhite 


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