Friday, 11 January 2019

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} January Beer Tie - Killer Bugs

Happy new year. Glad to see some chatter on the forum. 

The first beer tie of the year will be this Monday.  We will return to the outside patio for more space to tie. The theme will be nymphs. I will be teaching the Killer Bug. All tools and materials will be provided free of charge for those tying with me. You can tie this fly without a vise. I will have another pattern to teach if we run out of yarn. If anyone has Chadwick 477 yarn they can show us I would be grateful. I've never seen the original material. 

For more information on Killer Bugs 

I will be collecting flies for The Mayfly Project  over the next few beer ties. Please tie over the next few days or on Monday night to contribute.  For more information please listen to my most recent podcast with TMP founder Jess Westbrook on iTunes. 

Hope to see some of you at the Virginia show this weekend.  

Remember -  street parking is no longer free after 6pm in Arlington. 

~ Snowhite 


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