Tuesday, 18 December 2018

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Florida Salt Water suggestions....

I was down there around thanks giving this year. Back then there were still spurs of red tide in the opening of the bay but now that it's pretty much gone you'll have a lot more healthy water to fish. I highly recommend going up to Weedon Island Preserve and renting a kayak for a day, it's a super cool spot and has a healthy population of fish. Picnic island is kind of pressured but it's always a good backup if nowhere else is working. I would definitely contact one of the fly shops when you get there to get more info from someone who lives there and goes out more often. 

On Thursday, December 13, 2018 at 8:11:07 AM UTC-5, peter odell wrote:
I'm headed to Florida in February for a couple of weeks.  I'll have time near Islamorda and Gulfport (St Pete) for fishing on my own.  Have a guide to do Everglades snook and tarpon.

Any suggestions for fishable beaches appreciated.  


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