Sunday, 29 October 2017

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Chesapeake Fly Line

I have the Sonar Intermediate on my 8wt for stripers just under the surface.  It's a fantastic line and I had a ton of success with it this past summer.  I also have the Sonar sink5/7/9 on my 10 weight to get really deep.  Haven't played with it much, but the times I've had it out were great.  Casting with either of these lines is great.  I would personally stick with a floating and a deeper running line, you can reach the mid-range by adding a longer leader and tying on a heavier fly.  There have been plenty of times I wished I had a floating line to throw surface bugs when I had my intermediate.  You can always add weight, but you can't take it off of an intermediate line.
Hope this helps,

On Friday, October 27, 2017 at 11:03:54 AM UTC-4, Gregg DiSalvo wrote:
I had read that versitips tend to do that....for the clear intermediate, have you used any SA sonar series lines? I have been reading up on them lately.

On Thursday, October 26, 2017 at 6:32:10 PM UTC-4, Nedak wrote:
Original question re flyline.  I am a bigger fan of clear intermediate sinking line.  Combining longer leader and faster retrieve, you can use poppers.  You can also get the fly to drop in the water column if you wait.  I find it very versatile.  My 9 weight is loaded with versitips but I hate the hinge effect on the cast.  JMHO.

On Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 5:27:33 PM UTC-4, Gregg DiSalvo wrote:
Howdy.  I've been fishing some saltier water lately with moderate success. I take my 7 and 9 weights out on a kayak and fish the mouths of rivers and creeks mainly in 5-15' of water.  I usually run with full sink on the 9 and floating on the 7, but feel like I need that in between.  Do you all recommend a sink tip on the bay? OR should I stick with what I've been using with the adage "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"?

Im typically throwing smaller clousers/ bay anchovies, sand eels, medium half and halfs, bunker, gurglers, chuggers, Large deceivers, odd deciever/hooloweye ultrasude tails things

I also run with 3-4' of 20lb test direct to the fly line

Would love to hear what works for you all!


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