Wednesday, 19 July 2017

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Kayak recomendations

I would take a look at Ocean Kayak Prowlers. I know that you didn't mention Saltwater at all within any of your post but honestly, OK prowlers are great boats for all environments. I have done numerous float trips in mine as well as taken it to fletchers a few times so it fits the bill for everything suggested. 

It's also a light boat and is 100% sea worthy if you ever hit the coast. I got my OK prowler around 2007 or 2008 and it's still going strong. The only downside to a prowler is that at times, it can be a bit tougher to stand in. That being said, I can't think of a single situation in the mid Atlantic region in which you would be required to stand up to cast to a fish.

I did end up getting another kayak last year -- an old town predator. I hated it. I ended up trading it with a buddy for an ATAK (which I like a lot more) but it's a much heavier boat and not the cheapest one. My biggest complaint with the predator was that it paddled terribly, would often get caught in wind and at times felt like I was taking the local tugboat out for a paddle. 

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