Monday, 28 January 2013


It is with great excitement I report to you all that TPFR now has a much larger venue for our 2013 BEER TIES!  Whitlow's On Wilson has agreed to host our BEER TIES for no cost and no minimum - at all!  We have been granted use of the ENTIRE SANDBAR and PATIO and we are able to keep our Monday night schedule just as we have for the past two years. 
Some of you may already know that Monday at Whitlow's is 1/2 PRICE BURGER DAY, and of course, that will be extended to us.  The back patio alone is as large as the back room at RiRa, and the capacity of the whole space with the Sandbar is more than double what we are used to.  We will have a FULL BAR (with Guinness tap) and bartender of our own, our own server and our own busser.  We'll also have access to and use of 4 flat screen televisions, and easy access to rest rooms and to exits for those wishing to smoke.  Oh yeah, and the lighting is phenomenal!
Having this much space will not only make it easier to move around and sit down.  It will also allow us to bring in some of our conservation partners an let them set up a table where they can provide information and literature about their projects and upcoming events.  This way, rather than trying to have them speak, interested TPFR members can chat more at length with them and find ways to help out.  I hope to feature at least one conservation group at each BEER TIE - we'll see. 
We will continue to have our beginner's table, but with this much space we may better be able to create additional "learning centers", where more intermediate techniques can be taught and shared.  At some BEER TIES, I plan to also have a few of our rod builders in the club offer rod building tips and demos at the BAR!  I am so, super excited about all the possibilities this new space will offer.
The schedule of 2013 TPFR BEER TIES through June is as follows:
Feb. 11
Mar. 11
Apr.  TBD (probably April 1st - TPFRs 4-year anniversary)
May  13
June  10
All BEER TIES will be from 7PM-9PM - doors open at 6PM!
Everyone please take a moment to mark your calendars, and make every effort to come out and support our new host.  Let's show them what TPFR has to offer! 
And last, let us NEVER FORGET our first host, RiRa Irish Pub in Arlington.  I wish to publicly thank RiRa for all of the support and hospitality they've shown us over the last two years.  We love you, we'll miss you, and we thank you kindly for all you have done for us!  Slán agat good friend.
See you all at Whitlow's on Wilson on Monday, February 11th at 7PM!
Dan Davala

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