On Thursday, January 31, 2013 2:14:56 PM UTC-5, Richard Farino wrote:
I lived a 5 min walk from 4MR at Bon Air Park where they stocked the trout. It was nice to be able to walk out and see fish the days they stocked them. 4 years ago I got there a few hours after they put them in. They put in 1500 trout. Trout fishing was scheduled for kids the next morning at 10am, then open to the public at noon.
The next morning there were barely any fish at 7:30am. Poaching is commonplace there.
No fish have been stocked in the last 2 years.
Richard Farino
Urban Angler VA | 108 N. Washington Street 2nd Floor | Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 527-2524 | fax: (703) 527-3313 | ric...@urbanangler.com
From: tidal-potoma...@
googlegroups.com [mailto:tidal-potomac-fly-rodders@googlegroups.com ] On Behalf Of Greg Feder
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2013 12:25 PM
To: tidal-potoma...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: {Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Day trip suggestions for local Northern Virginia fishing this weekend
TU has stocked 4MR in Bon Air Park for Kids Fishing Day. The problem is that after a couple of hours the water is opened to non-kids, and most of the fish are removed. Some do survive a few weeks/months until the water gets too hot, though.
I think TU also stocked Accotink in December. The plan was to stock in November but it was too warm still. No idea whether there is a plan to stock a second time.
-- Greg
From: Jeffrey Silvan <jeffre...@gmail.com>
To: tidal-potoma...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2013 12:03 PM
Subject: Re: {Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Day trip suggestions for local Northern Virginia fishing this weekend
4MR does not have a trout population, and it is not stocked with them either. Plenty of other fish in there though that you can target in the winter. I'd think it is unlikely there's a stocking that isn't listed on the VDGIF website, but you could always give them a call to find out any more info about the next planned stocking.
On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 11:44 AM, Jordan <jorda...@gmail.com> wrote:
It looks like Holmes Run was last stocked on 11/15/12 (http://www.dgif.virginia.gov/
fishing/stock/November102012. ). I went through 2012 to see another stocking date, but I couldn't find one. From what I could tell, the last stocking before this past November's was on 10/21/11. The list for VA stocking dates that I found is at this site: http://www.dgif.asp virginia.gov/fishing/stock/ archive.asp
Does anyone else know if there's been a stocking date that website failed to record? I've been wanting to fish some of the streams close to Arlington (where I live), including Holmes and 4MR, so additional stocking dates would be great to know. I'm fairly new to the area and have only fished the upper Potomac up by Great Falls, but without a car these days these streams are a lot easier to get to.
On Wednesday, January 30, 2013 9:50:42 AM UTC-5, Aaron O wrote:Hey Brendan,
Thanks for all the good info. After talking it over with my friend, we are now thinking to go check out the Gunpowder since he has never been there. All of my experience has been Bass/striper/Shad fishing using streamers so this is very new to me. I do have a couple questions.
While I am very interested in fishing nymphs (my new years resolution), I will say that I have never had any success with nymph fishing yet. Luckly my friend does trout fish with nymphs so he can give me some tips. I will be buying 5X tippit and some new nymph flies tomorrow since I don't have any that small. I will get some #16 copper john or princes like you suggested but I am open to other suggestions. I also just checked Orvis's fishing reports online for the Gunpowder and they are suggestions #8 black Matuka, #14 Stewart Spiders, #14 Waterhen Bloa and #14 Grouse and Hert. I'm not sure what any of these are but I will be checking with the local Orvis store to clarify.
I will definately also go with 3-4x tippet and fish small streamers as a backup option. You mentioned smaller clouser styles with lots of flash. It hould like your talking about something between a clouser and a shad dart. What size hooks are you thinking about?
Now a question or two for everyone. It was mentioned about the second stocking of holmes and accotink, Does any one know when generally the first and second stocking usually happens? I have a friend that lives near accotink and he was under the impression that they have not stocked that creek in 2 to 3 years. I thought they did but did not have any definite info or dates to give him.
The map shows gunpowder river as a national state park. Do I need any special licenses or permits other than a MD fresh water license and a trout stamp?
As far as the weather, we are planning to go saturday morning so hopfully the next couple day will not be too hard on the area.
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