Monday, 26 November 2012

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Wading in the Potomac

It is legal, as far as I know -- and if any fly anglers were killed or injured while wading recently, I think this community would know about it. So probably relatively safe.

Sorry about the back cast thing, but in my experience if someone is casting too close to you, they probably know you are there and are trying to warn you in a passive-aggressive way that you are too close.

Did you ask them whether you could get by? Clearly stating that you do not intend to ruin another angler's fishing is usually enough to avoid confrontation.

Obviously, if someone is wading in a spot, you can probably do so, too -- and it sounds like wading is the best way to fish that particular spot. I used to take my canoe to 4MR until I realized everyone else wades there, so now I leave the boat at home for that water. And if you want to be out in your boat, there is plenty of water that is inaccessible to waders but which fishes easily from a boat.


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