Friday, 30 November 2012

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Accotink Creek

I don't recognize that mushroom, and when dealing with fungi that means I do NOT eat it.  ;).  I haven't been morel hunting in a while -- those guys can be pretty weird, and kind of territorial unless you tell them you're just looking for salamanders ;).  

You could approach a novel food source like Norway rats -- eat a very tiny piece and wait to see if you become ill or die.  I use that technique all the time in Indian and Ethiopian food joints in DC.  


On Friday, November 30, 2012 5:19:24 PM UTC-5, TAEHWAN KIM wrote:

I fished at Accotink Creek yesterday 7 to 9 above Rt.236.

I hooked five but landed only two rainbows, one was pushing 15 inches.

Does anyone know about the mushrooms? I saw this one along the trail. Are they edible?


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