Monday, 26 November 2012

Re: {Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Cold Weather Fix

Winter is my favorite season to fish. Fewer people out, the serenity of the sound of snowfall (if lucky enough to fish in the snow), the litter is covered up by the snow. The fish are always biting, its just a matter of finding those fish.

I have a steelhead trip planned in a few weeks and maybe a trip to Colorado to fish midges on the tailwaters (Blue River, Colorado River, Dream Stream) when my wife is on the slopes.

My buddy and I had an agreement that we would go trout fishing anytime it snowed. He picked me up to go to BIG HUNTING CREEK one day before the roads were plowed. It took us more than two hours to get there from Arlington. Xmas eve, Xmas day, New  Years Eve, New Years Day, the Superbowl and other big events keep the streams quiet and usually all to yourself.

I'll spend as much time as possible at Blue Plains this winter as possible. I don't head up to DICKERSON as much now as its kind of far. FOUR MILE RUN is my favorite local winter fishery. I won't stop fishing there until I catch a goldfish on a fly.

There are the winter fishing shows from MA, NJ, NC, and Tie Fest to keep you entertained. I'll start tying shad flies for the POTOMAC in February. 
If I'm lucky I can get away to the tropics for some R&R in January. We have a wedding in Costa Rica in Jan 2014. 

As we used to say at Hudson Trail Outfitters: "being cold in the winter is only a matter of how well dressed you are"
Rob Snowhite

From: HeaveToo <>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2012 7:56 PM
Subject: {Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Cold Weather Fix

What do you do to get your fix when the weather is cold?  I usually spend the winters tying flies and dreaming of fly fishing.  I don't think that I have ever flyfished between December and March). 

Do you get out and do some cold water trout fishing?  Do you head south on a trip?

Just curious. 
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