Wednesday, 5 May 2021

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Boat decision

I'll throw one more boat into the mix: Sea Eagle Foldcat -

I've fished on TPFR member Misha Gill's Foldcat and it's a sweet rig. It's much more maneuverable than the 3-person Star and NRS rafts I've rowed, and the coolest feature is that it's symmetrical--the oars are half way between the two seats. To swtich from angling to rowing, you just spin the boat and seats around; no crawling over seats or getting out of the boat. I think Misha modified his so both seats are elevated to make this possible. It's also pretty compact compared to rafts and frames, and not too complicated to set up.

Maybe Misha can weigh in on this as well.


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