Sunday, 23 May 2021

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Deer Creek paddling access points

There is a small parking area off of Grier Nursery right next to Deer Creek that in the past the landowner has allowed people to use for recreational access to the stream. The last time I was there was over ten years ago, but there was signage designating the parking area so it should be easy to verify (once you are there) if this is still the case.'46.7%22N+76%C2%B022'31.1%22W/@39.6294192,-76.3757218,161m/

On Friday, May 21, 2021 at 1:36:49 PM UTC-4 wrote:

Does anybody know if there is small craft access to Deer Creek around Grier Nursery Rd? Unfortunately there is no google street view there and I am not about to drive an hour and a half to scout it. I'm curious about that portion of the stream since it's a bit away from the crowded sections at Rocks and Susquehanna St Parks and am trying to determine what float options exist. 

Thanks for any intel!


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