Friday, 2 March 2018

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Reel and line recommendations for 4wt Glass Rod

Go on Ebay and buy a vintage click pawl for like 30 dollars. If that doesn't suit you, just get something that cost less than 100 dollars.  The only time you will ever need a drag for a 4wt would be in the utmost rare circumstance when you hook a trophy trout on it, and even then you should be able to manage with a clicker.  The Cortland Rimfly and it's predecessors come to mind as good fits for reels.  As far as line, 406 fly lines makes tapers specifically designed for glass.  So does blue halo...SA makes a throwback DT for glass as well.  If not, I'm a big fan of SA's glass rods seem to like it.  

On Thursday, March 1, 2018 at 3:53:59 PM UTC-5, William Hea wrote:
Hey, all!

I grabbed a Cabela's 6'6" CGR 4wt glass this week for $40 and am looking for a reel and line to pair it with. Goal is to have a small trout stream and bluegill setup. Looking for a reel that:
  • Fits 4/5 weight rods
  • Durable (I'm super clumsy)
  • Less than $120
  • Not too heavy
  • I'm thinking an Orvis Battenkill II or a Lamson Liquid but have no strong convictions about brands or styles.
I'm planning to pair the rod with a Hook and Hackle DT4 or a Cortland 444 Peach DT4 line. Open to other recommendations. I don't imagine needing to cast beyond 30' often.

Thank you for your help!


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