Would like to hook up with a TPFR member or more to give gravelly point or other close by spot a try.
I live not far from the Springfield Mall in Franconia.
Mike Vance
On Saturday, November 11, 2017, 6:15:47 AM EST, <tidal-potomac-fly-rodders@googlegroups.com> wrote:
- Gravelly Point - 7 Updates
- George was a fly fisher. - 4 Updates
- CfR Auction IS LIVE! - 1 Update
Connor Lynch <clynch136@gmail.com>: Nov 10 06:57AM -0800 Hey guys, Had a run in with the law this morning at gravelly. The officer's name was John Alto, super nice guy and a fisherman himself. He asked for my license and I gave him my DC license which ...more |
Andrew Sarcinello <andysarce@gmail.com>: Nov 10 10:17AM -0800 I believe the same officer talked to me in the parking lot at Roaches a few weeks ago. Told me he is lenient about the DC vs VA license confusion and usually respects both. I had my VA license ...more |
tperkins <thomas.perkins1@gmail.com>: Nov 10 11:00AM -0800 I always thought that while in Roaches run you needed you VA license, but that Gravelly your DC license was the correct one. On google maps the DC line hugs the shore up to the bridge. ...more |
Yambag Nelson <northstreetwreckingcrew@gmail.com>: Nov 10 11:15AM -0800 It seems the stripers at gravelly are running a bit smaller this year than they have the last few years (at least for me). My best fish have only been around 16 inches whereas it seemed like I ...more |
Rob Snowhite <rob@robsnowhite.com>: Nov 10 02:27PM -0500 Got a voice mail from USPP this morning. May be concerning this. Waiting to hear back. I'll get the legality of what license is needed where regardless. Sent from my iPhone ...more |
Connor Lynch <clynch136@gmail.com>: Nov 10 11:50AM -0800 The officer also mentioned that they were trying to put a fishing clinic on for local kids in Alexandria and asked if any fly fishing guys would be interested helping. ...more |
Richard Farino <rfarino@gmail.com>: Nov 10 07:14PM -0400 You¹ll get different answers from each organization. US Park Police say you need a DC license on both the outflow at Gravely and in the Duck Pond because it¹s adjacent Park Service property. ...more |
Lane Thurgood <thurgool@yahoo.com>: Nov 10 12:43PM -0800 Richie, May 21 is a Monday. Should we keep open Wednesday May 23? Looking forward to it! On Thursday, November 9, 2017 at 5:22:01 PM UTC-5, Richard Farino wrote: ...more |
Casey Peltier <caseypeltier@hotmail.com>: Nov 10 09:38PM Or might it be Wednesday, MARCH 21? On Nov 10, 2017, at 3:44 PM, 'Lane Thurgood' via Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders ...more |
Bob Smith <planesmith@aol.com>: Nov 10 05:18PM -0500 Whatever the date it will be held in a location that is directly above the center of the earth. Bob Smith Sent from my iPad ...more |
Richard Farino <rfarino@gmail.com>: Nov 10 06:50PM -0500 MARCH 21st. Good catch. Typo! R ...more |
CaseyP <caseypeltier@hotmail.com>: Nov 10 08:07AM -0800 Just in time for the Veterans' Day Sales: The Casting for Recovery Silent Auction is Live OnLine Now! Support our local Mid-Atlantic program: look for a Scott saltwater rod a Fishpond net ...more |
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