Friday, 21 April 2017

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Transporting rods via motorcycle

Thanks everyone for the ideas!  I definitely think I'm leaning towards installing a tube somehow to the chrome around one of the saddle bags.  I just need to make sure it won't impede my legs/feet when coming to a stop.  The rod holder from bass pro is pretty neat though, and I could definitely pop a full size American Flag in there for parades, etc.  

On Thursday, April 20, 2017 at 11:39:36 AM UTC-4, Eric Lowney wrote:
Doers anyone have any tips for transporting 2 piece or 4 piece rods via motorcycle?  The 4 pieces are just barely too long to fit in the tour pack or the saddle bags, but it would make getting down to the Rap so much faster if I could take the HOT lanes.  Considering backpack with tube or affixing a tube to the bike, but open to ideas/solutions.  I attached a picture of my bike in case it helps and thanks in advance for any insight!

P.S.) I have considered buying a 7 piece for this exact purpose

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