Thursday, 20 April 2017

Re: {Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Transporting rods via motorcycle

Use your Google-Fu

There are some nice 5pc rods that might just fit in the bags.  
I would use a pvc tube anyway since the aluminum tube would get banged up (and potentially bang something else up).  If you loose the pvc tube, it won't matter.


Carl Zmola

On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 1:49 PM, Connor Donovan <> wrote:
While not a motorcycle, I rock a Yamaha Vino that for several years had spinning rod holders.  Took them off this past winter when the bungee chords rotted out but plan to put them back on soon.

The two pieces of wood were held together with two right angle brackets and a few random screws of differing sizes and lengths (whatever I could find laying around).  The wood was held to the moped with a series of well placed bungee chords of varying lengths and strengths (whatever I could find laying around).  To keep the rods in the holder I used a rotation of string, old fly line, and a bungee chord (whatever I could find laying around). 

I never got around to adding fly rod holders but was/am planning to use PVC dropped off the side similar to the spinning rod holders.  Basically drop another piece of wood off the other side, use a drill bit to make two holes in said pvc, one close to the top and one close to the bottom, big enough for a drill, drill bit, and screw to fully sink a screw and not block the rod from being inserted.  It would likely be for just the rod and sock, no rod tube.  Might be a good idea to drill another hole in the bottom just in case water gets in there too.  Or glue on a cap that has the screw-in/out insert.  The other option which may be better is to use some sort of conduit/pipe/tube hanger/fastener that goes over top of said pvc with screws on either side of it.   

I've also thought about affixing a single tube to the handlebars like folks do with guns on atvs so I can free up space for a flag holder. 

On Thursday, April 20, 2017 at 12:34:27 PM UTC-4, Scott S wrote:
I don't have much insight into the motorcycle question - though a backpack with a rod tube (or tubes) sounds like a really good idea. Try Gear Ties (made by Nite Ize) to attach the tubes to the backpack.

As for the 7-piece rod, I have an 8-wt Orvis Frequent Flier and I love it! I use it more often than any other rod, and not because it's 7 pieces. In fact, I hardly ever even break it down. 

On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 11:39 AM, Eric Lowney <> wrote:
Doers anyone have any tips for transporting 2 piece or 4 piece rods via motorcycle?  The 4 pieces are just barely too long to fit in the tour pack or the saddle bags, but it would make getting down to the Rap so much faster if I could take the HOT lanes.  Considering backpack with tube or affixing a tube to the bike, but open to ideas/solutions.  I attached a picture of my bike in case it helps and thanks in advance for any insight!

P.S.) I have considered buying a 7 piece for this exact purpose

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