Friday, 29 April 2016

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: TPFR Updates Spring 2016

Yeah, I think Art (or anyone else sitting on a great local pond with a red/white sign that says "no fishing") probably won't get much competition there ;).  I propose we have a home-run derby, with the catch that I get to nominate Darryl Strawberry to bat for me and everyone else has to try their best ;). 

Thanks for the information Dalton!  Was the guy asking you about the "financial situation" following you to your car after beer tie wearing a Motorhead t-shirt?  Don't talk to that guy -- 

If there's one maxim to live by, it's "never discuss finances with someone wearing a Motorhead t-shirt".  


On Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 9:46:37 PM UTC-4, Dalton Terrell wrote:

A week ago Rob Snowhite hosted the TPFR officers for a board meeting and dinner, and I feel everyone is due for a few updates with the club.

New Officers
We shaken up the board a little, Trent Jones will be assuming the Vice President role, and Art Noglak will be our Event Coordinator and Davis Walker taking over as Merchandise Coordinator. Our new board members have both been active in the club for the past couple years and have offered to step up in these positions. Art will be taking the lead on non-Beer Tie events we'd like to hold in the future, and Davis will be working to dial in future merchandise and handle logistics of our upcoming online store (oh yeah, this is coming soon). We're excited to have more new blood in leadership! If anyone else wants to join the board, the basic formula is to bring up some ideas and be willing to implement them--we'll take you with open arms! 

Upcoming Events
Trent and Art are working together to put together a Bluegill Tournament for this Summer, and looking at posts today I think Art his location dialed in. Generally, we want to have a one day photo tournament, where you'll have 12 hours to fish for panfish at the location of your choice and then e-mail in photos to us. The night of the tournament, we'll meet at a bar and judge for biggest bluegill, most bluegill, best by catch, etc... it'll be a real hoot. Dates and details forthcoming on this. 

We also want to put on an in person swap meet. We've had some interest in a Buy/Sell/Trade section of this google group, and as much interest in not bogging down the posts with this. We think a good compromise is an in person swap meet to do this. No dates or locations for this yet, but we think we can pull it off.

Later in the year or possibly next fall, we'd like to pull off a film tour/festival event. This is very much in the preliminary stages but we see this as a good opportunity to raise money for TPFR or outside groups.

A few of you have asked me about our financial situation, I'd like to have at least annual or semi-annual reports going forward

First off, in the last six months we have raise $1838 for outside groups from raffles, including Frogman Outdoors, Friends of Fletcher's Cove, and Project Healing Waters. Thanks a ton for the great work from our donors and raffle ticket buyers!

For a current update of our finances, we have about $1350 in the bank right now--a good chunk of change. However, we're going to get pretty soon with a $350 annual insurance charge; each of our Beer Ties costs us about $30 and our web hosting costs $130 per year. In total, we have a base budget of $800-1000 per year that we'll continue to pay for with some raffles, merchandise and other events. Thanks for everyone's generosity!

Openness to New Ideas
If there is anything else you want us to do, don't hesitate to contact any of the officers.

Thanks for all of your support and hard work to everyone!


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