Monday, 28 April 2014

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Project Healing Waters

I want to extend my thanks to those TPFR members who participated in the Project Healing Waters 2Fly this past weekend.  Of particular note are Rob Snowhite and Richie Farino who guided Wounded Warriors.  Richie was a guide on the third place team.  I’m sure there were many more TPFR members who were also there, who I haven’t met, so a big pat on the back and thanks to you also.  I’m sure you feel you were richly rewarded by the prowess of the Warriors.  They are an amazing group and many told me how much they appreciate the volunteers.  Your efforts gave them a marvelous weekend and you have helped change their lives.  Thanks again.



Project Leader

Walter Reed Project Healing Waters


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