I'm in the (casual) market for a short 3wt because I really like hiring and backcountry treking, and it fits my ideal of scrambling in to some tiny trickle brook and flicking tiny dries at tiny trout. But I certainly don't NEED one... Put in the time, figure out where your priorities are, and invest your money there. Until then, use what you got.
On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 1:38 PM, Dalton Terrell <daltonbterrell@gmail.com> wrote:
Aaron,Of course this is all up to you, but I would rather own a couple really sweet rods in key sizes than a bunch of mediocre rods in every weight. With this being said, I own more than ten rods (that I got really good deals on...) and a couple of these didn't see the water last year. Out of about 80 days on the water last year, I would guess that I used either my 9' 5wt or 9' 7wt 60 of those days. Don't let owning only a 5/6wt hinder you from hitting small streams in Shenandoah; there has been some discussion about wanting a short rod in these small streams, but then there are others who like super long tenkara rods out there--its all preference and any rod from 5' to 15' will catch a fish if you know how to use it. I have even caught a brookie in SNP on my 7wt with full sinking line, not that I would recommend this tactic to everyone.But after you take out your 5/6wt to a small stream a few times, test out some 3-5wt rods and buy one you like if you're ready to replace the rod.You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the Google Groups "Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders" group.
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