On Monday, December 31, 2012 6:14:48 PM UTC-5, TurbineBlade wrote:
--Here's what I have thus far --The 2 in front are roosters (pheasant) -- full skin. Kept in freezer because I don't really know what to do with 'em. Skinning is easy, I just had to select the ones with the head/neck not completely destroyed from pellets.The hen is out loose on the other picture there. I'm getting a lot of marabou feathers, and some good soft hackles from the hen. The ruddy-looking feathers in the 3 bags are actually one of my brother in-law's roosters that died (coyote or fox) on the farm a few weeks ago. The head was trashed, but I got a lot of saddle hackles from him that I suspect would make decent woolly buggers. Actually, the marabou has me pretty excited -- which I didn't really anticipate when I first grabbed them up.And of course the usual box of pheasant tails.I've tried to remove as much tissue as possible, and I've salted the stuff to dry it. I'll probably keep a lot in the freezer when not in use just as a precaution.I'll try to bring some to the next tie so if anyone wants a few to mess around with, it's cool with me. I pheasant hunt in MO every Christmas but I've never kept feathers until this year. I bet I've tossed 30+ good skins that I wish I'd kept now! ;)Thanks for the tips and info!I'll get some practice of my "pheasant and orange" soft hackles and smaller woolly buggers.Gene
On Monday, December 31, 2012 3:54:07 PM UTC-5, Steve F wrote:So as I see it, be sure to scrape as much meat/fat/sinew out of the hides as possible, douse liberally with borax, maybe throw it in the freezer for a couple days, and it should be good to go? Or is there a curing/drying step that should happen in there as well?
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