Thursday, 14 January 2021

Re: {Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Ballistic Pro Fly Lines


The test is online and available to review--I think it probably matches up well to the tasks on the FFI casting challenge: Tests/CI_Test_2015_Final.pdf

It's dictated that you use a maximum line of a 7 wt (probably further defined by AFFTA standards elsewhere)--but I suppose you could use a 6 wt or whatever rod you want. Most people would find that that the 7 wt line matched to a 7 wt rod is the easiest to way to hit the distance targets, and the extra mass can help overcome wind if that's a issue.

I think I used an orange Scientific Anglers 7wt line for my test, but this new Ballistic line looks quite good in theory as an all around or instruction line. The longer belly is good for carrying loops farther and mending while casting if you get into this. I don't think the testers would like my clear line. ;)

On Thursday, January 14, 2021 at 9:01:39 AM UTC-5 wrote:

I noticed that line comes in 4wt - 7wt.  When you take the actual CI Test, is there a specific weight rod they make you use?  Or do they adjust the test based on if you are using a 4wt vs a 7wt?



On Thu, Jan 14, 2021 at 12:48 AM <> wrote:
That's the one! If you would like, I will bring both the 6wt and 7wt line to the next casting church for you to try before you place your order.

Nice work at the FFI Casting Challenge!

On Tuesday, January 12, 2021 at 2:35:28 PM UTC-5 wrote:
Before I pull the trigger and order it, could Carl, Tom, or another CI confirm that this is the long-belly fly line that's recommended for FFI Casting Challenges and CI prep? 

Many thanks, and see everyone next month!


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