Wednesday, 28 October 2020

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Charlottesville-area fall and winter trout water

You've got all the east slope Shenandoah Park streams to explore! Check out the Rapidan for instance! Only like 30 mins from C-ville. If you go west to Waynesboro, the South River is a point of emphasis for DNR. Then in the Shenandoah Valley itself you've got all the spring creeks and Jefferson National Forest streams, and you should check out Mossy Creek Fly Fishing's website for some leads. 

On Friday, October 23, 2020 at 9:12:54 PM UTC-4 Doug Graebner wrote:

Hi all, I finally have a touch of time for trout fishing around my school and wanted to ask if people knew good place around Charlottesville? I've explored the upper Moormans (limited luck although I was fishing somewhat poorly) and I know Whiteoak Canyon moderately well but was wondering what else was in the general area.

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