Monday, 27 January 2020

Re: {Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} The Keys / Delray

I've used Captain Lenny Leonard out of Key West Proper. 

SUPER great guy. Have dates with him again this July. Put me on Poons and we looked hard for bones and perms. guy will grind with you. Started fishing when it was dark stopped fishing when it was dark.. 

On Mon, Jan 27, 2020 at 8:59 AM Josepha Hendler <> wrote:
Morning Y'all, 

I'm planning on heading to Del Ray beach/the Keys in the next few weeks to take my Mom out for a day or two fishing (it was her mom's favorite place to go fishing).  Hoping to do some bonefishing/maybe fish the flats but not my area of expertise and don't have equipment so would need a guide.  Does anyone have any guides in the area they could recommend (didn't see any in the archives)?



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