Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Re: {Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Christmas Island

Pretty funny, I always knew about the fishing Christmas Island (and is on my bucket list for the next year or two before kids might become a thing), but didn't realize there were multiple.

I feel like catching a 10lb bonefish on your first day will probably ruin bonefishing for someone forever!

On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 8:21 AM, peter odell <peterlodell@gmail.com> wrote:
There are multiple Christmas Islands in the Pacific, the red crab invasion happens on one much closer to Australia, not the Kiribati based Christmas Island (very confusing, as we thought we found the red crab info on one of the local websites.).  If you watch the crab video, it shows highways with divider lines and an overpass for the crabs; I can assure you there was nothing like that infrastructure wise where we were.  One flight in and our per week, nothing to do but fish, no landing at night.

One highlight was a bonefish spawn, which schools up the big guys a few days after a new moon.  My friend andy (first time bonefisherman) caught a 10lb fish his first day of bonefishing.  These islands used to be the Gilbert Islands and are about 1200 miles directly south from Honolulu. 

On Monday, January 30, 2017 at 2:34:15 PM UTC-5, Jeff Silvan wrote:
Awesome! I'd love to see pictures.

Did you happen to run into any of the red crabs? I imagine this could make for some crazy flats fishing... http://6abc.com/weather/millions-of-red-crabs-migrate-on-christmas-island/1674934/

On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 11:02 AM, peter odell <peter...@gmail.com> wrote:
Just got back from a great week on Kirimati (Christmas) Island chasing trevally and bonefish, with a stop in the bluewater for tuna and wahoo.  Trip exceeded expectations, if you haven't gone, I'd recommend it highly.  I went with a group at Crystal Beach Resort, one of about 4 resorts total on the island.  Last day was 60 bonefish plus a couple trevally.  Used my 6wt for some of the bonefish, but mostly 8wt, and 10 wt (with a honking reel) for bigger fish.

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