Monday, 3 October 2016

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: OCTOBER!!

I drove up to Beaver Creek Maryland thinking that their low water would handle the rain better than other streams....It turns out the rain made little difference.  Low and clear.  Too low.  I have only fished here three times before with one or two 8-10 inch browns each time, this time around I left with a fingerling and about a five inch brown.  The fishing was incredibly tough as any false cast or ripple on the water sent the fish looking for cover.  This was the norm in most of the runs and riffles, but in the eep pools, the fish were stacked up on the bottom.  I have never seen them stacked 20-50 deep before and it reminded me of seneca creek after a fresh stocking.  These fish had no interest in anything and had very little fear.  I could get up to them really close before they budged.  

While some of the most frustrating fishingI've had in a long time, it was nice to see just how many fish are in the creek.  I also saw 3 pushing 20 inches. 

I am hoping to get out on the Potomac looking for some schoolies in the next few weeks.

On Monday, October 3, 2016 at 9:20:56 AM UTC-4, MattySt wrote:
It's that time of the year - October! - a celebrated month for fishing no matter your game. Has anyone gone out since the days of downpour from this weekend? On the canal? The river? Local trout creeks? Successes? What's working? What isn't? 

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