Wednesday, 5 October 2016

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: The C&O Canal needs your help - fish relocation October 8

Just another reminder, this fish relocation event is this Saturday, October 8, starting at 9AM.

Gary, I presume the fish will just be carried over to the Potomac.


On Wednesday, September 28, 2016 at 3:17:19 PM UTC-4, Dalton Terrell wrote:
It's unfortunate, but the C&O Canal in Washington, DC is undergoing major fixes to Locks 3 & 4 over the next 18 months as part of a revitalization project in Georgetown. This will have a major impact on the fishing in the canal with the water being drained from Lock 5 down for this 18 month period. You can find more information on this project here:

Fortunately, the National Park Service has organized a fish relocation project to get the fish moved rather than being left out to dry. The event to move these fish is on Saturday, October 8, with a meeting point of Fletcher's Boat House at 9AM. Volunteers are needed to move the fish, and waders/nets will be needed (note that NPS has a limited supply). NPS also moved some fish last weekend, including the big catfish in the attached photo.

To volunteer, you need to fill out the attached volunteer waiver and show up at Fletcher's October 8. For any questions, contact Dorothy McQuaid at

We look forward to the improvements, but will have to suffer a season or two of missing out on our favorite mulberry hatch.


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