Tuesday, 26 May 2015

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Smell that musk

NICK, amazing fish!  Congrats!   It took a smallmouth fly?  Or maybe you caught a bass and didn't realize it and then caught a musky immediately afterward ;)   I can't imagine landing one of those things from a kayak without tipping over and/or drowning.  Were you floating alone, or was Kami with you?

Jeff Silvan and I have done a couple of musky trips to the James River with Matt Miles, and so far we're batting .500 on landing musky (although none as big as that one!). 

On Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 2:50:37 AM UTC+1, Nick Swingle wrote:
Lucked out while bass fishing on the New River. Landing this 42" behemoth was interesting. On a kayak with no net, using a 6 wt, 0x, and no wire bite guard. Not exactly a textbook musky rig. This was one for the People. Hit a sz 2 clouser minnow.

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